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Concrete pump truck how casting maintenance in winter you know?

作者:點擊:828 發(fā)布時間:2020-05-27

In winter, especially in winter construction, the temperature drop brings a lot of inconvenience to the construction. In addition, many construction units hope to shorten the construction period and benefit at the same time, so many projects have to catch up in winter. Therefore, during winter construction, it has become a A period of frequent quality incidents. According to the survey and analysis, more than half of the concrete quality accidents occurred in winter construction. In order to effectively control the quality of concrete pumping in winter construction, ensuring the quality and safety of the entire reinforced concrete structure is an important part.

After the concrete pump truck is poured, whether the strength can reach the standard in the later stage, whether the defects on the concrete surface can be controlled, and whether the durability of the concrete can meet the service life is closely related to the construction process. Construction details and maintenance of construction site concrete.

Without proper maintenance, after the rain and snow are washed away, the strength of the cement will weaken, and it is easy to start dusting or even cracking. Maintenance work should be carried out according to different environmental conditions, divided into high temperature, strong wind and dry weather, as well as rain and snow.

high temperature, strong wind, dry weather

1. This weather condition is mainly due to lack of water. Concrete floor calendering, concrete pavement or indentation should be covered with a layer of plastic film or cotton felt, grass curtain, and timely maintenance to ensure the formation of concrete surface strength 2, especially in high wind, high temperature air drying weather, on the concrete surface The evaporation of water is greater than the exudation rate of concrete, which will cause a large amount of surface water to evaporate, and the cement on the surface will not be fully hydrated, resulting in insufficient surface strength of the grinding phenomenon.

3. When covering the film, the film should be tightly attached to the concrete surface to ensure the purpose of moisturizing and curing. Maintenance of the plastic film cover should be prohibited for 3 days of walking to keep the concrete surface wet for 14 days.

Rain and snow, low temperature and humid weather

1. Try to avoid dumping the ground in rain and snow. If it rains or snows during the construction process, the construction should be suspended, and the floor should be covered with plastic film or other materials in time to avoid the cement slurry being washed away by rain or snow water and increase the surface water, gel ratio, and cause powder tempering and polishing. .

2. In the process of concrete pouring, if it is eroded by rain or the air humidity is high, the concrete surface is prone to a lot of seepage. The cement can be distributed evenly on the top, and the iron tweezers can be pulled back and forth a few times, and then pressed tightly. This process can make the cement powder and concrete combine better.

3. It is strictly forbidden to sprinkle water or cement powder when cement plastering. After the initial setting, especially near the end point, it is forbidden to mash the cement powder. At this time, the cement powder and the poured concrete cannot be well combined, and it is easy to form two layers of skin, and the phenomenon of skin peeling occurs. Due to the high humidity, it is forbidden to sprinkle water at any time.

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